Friday 26 April 2013

Rhys and hannah present 11th of march

Bristol based and in contact with the royal standard in Liverpool and part of rouge galleries series of internships and residential  They explored using fanzines as a platform instead of a space using social interaction to get to build up networks of artists by cooking for them and taking them out for drinks with building these connections helped pull in favors to put the zine together. They show work on the internet via this opens up an international audience. They don't archive there work which creates a sense of urgency to see the work and keep following what will happen next. They took over other peoples websites in the Liverpool to render them function less  Later opened a gallery space in London that features artists who have been dropped by their galleries this helps the art practice network and became interested in pop up shows around the UK. 

intercity mainline-next project. using fanzines as a platform instead of an space. Appiled for art concil funds. went to different citys  as part of edinbrough show. then got invited to do a show. janary 2009 present. articfact of reflecting on the city and show artist work. constant ballart. rent warehouse space.

International internet space £100 for two years. no archiving shows, so when shows finshed the work is gone. take over peoples websites- liverpool binenal.

have opened downloadable space.
gallery space in london- 12 aritst showing artist who have been dropped by galleries. Why? to help produce a network. curating has changed their own practice. pop shows.

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